My First QSL card from 1976
Original RAW art

They guy on the left with the microphone is me.  The girl is Marcie – my girlfriend at the time.
On the right is Randy Wright, and his girlfriend.    Randy designed/drew this (he was an art student at the same univ I was going to)
This was a rather controversial QSL card at the time. 
Most hams, particularly in 1976, were very conservative. 
This “hippie” card got a lot of comments – I must have sent out 400-500  of them.


My next QSL Card was when I moved to Australia and got the call  VK8RP.
I let my XYL (who later became VK8KYL) design it – we were staying in someones apartment while they were back in the states
(it was about 2-3 months before we had a place to stay when we first got there).

As you can see from her design – I think she felt like I had taken her hostage in the outback.



I got her to design a new one fairly quickly, but I bet I sent out 500 of these
(in those days I was making about 1,000 contacts a year – so I sent a lot of cards)
This was a bit more popular --  I prob sent 1,500 of these out



Later, I got ‘in to’  OSCAR – “Orbiting Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio”
We were downtown at the newsstand (what the called the bookstore)
and saw a postcard that I thought would be perfect for a QSL card, so I bought one and called up the company and asked if they knew what a QSL card was.

They did, and I had them print up 2,000 of the postcards with my Callsign on the front



Back to Rockwal, TX – I had to give up my Australian call sign and I got   WK8U.
In rockwall, my interest was ‘ATV – Amateur Television” 
I made this one up
. This was the first computer generated/designed one.  
I only had a black and white laser printer


When we moved to Palm Bay I got my present callsgin  W4RP, I still did ATV and started printing color ones

1995 - 2005

In 2006, my very talented son designed two new ones for me

That will be it for 2006 - ?

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W4RP -- a SpyderCat Production